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How Can a Dollhouse With Furniture Teach Our Children Family’s Values?

How Can a Dollhouse With Furniture Teach Our Children Family’s Values?
Roleplay is an effective learning tool as it encourages children to become active participants in their learning.  They can move about, put themselves in someone else’s shoes, perhaps wear a costume and use props, communicate and make decisions in character, which will allow them to take risks and explore different areas. Continue reading

Best Montessori Toys for 4-year-olds – Practical List

Best Montessori Toys for 4-year-olds – Practical List
Developed by Italian physician and anthropologist, Maria Montessori, the Montessori educational method is based on collaborative play, creativity, self-directed activities, and essentially, the belief that every child should be given the opportunity to learn at their own pace. Now, you need to understand that Montessori is not just a fancy trend – we know everybody talks about it online – but, on a deeper level, it has always been around. That’s because it emphasizes a positive, nurturing environment in which children can grow and feed their natural curiosity. Continue reading

10 Easy Ways to Spend More Time With Your Family

10 Easy Ways to Spend More Time With Your Family

Family is the most important thing in the world, and we should do everything we can to spend time with them. 

Spending quality moments together is worth fighting for; after all, they are memories that we’ll never forget and that we cherish. Spending time with your children is like watering a plant. Just as water helps the plant grow and thrive, spending time with your children will help them develop emotionally and intellectually.

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